Monday 14 June 2010

Where do I start!?

I'm lost in cyber space and don't exactly know what I want to say or how I'm planning on saying it. There's too much to talk about and too much information for me to compress into my stupidly tiny brain. There's alot going on my life... some boring and some not so much, but where do I actually begin... 1992 when I was born and the madness began, or right from today!? Are there rules, regulations, obligations, unwritten rules that I should know about... or do I just let loose? I'm not sure if I'm feeling the lack of guidlines!
I'm new at blogging
... can you tell?
So instead of firing loads of random questions into no-where, I might actually just say something worthwhile now, something thats been playing on my mind alllll day!
What is with all these sexual politics!?
I thought it was supposed to be simple!
(I'm newly single FYI after breaking up with long-term boyfriend... and havent been a singleton since I was 16... So this is all VERY new)
Seriously I thought it was supposed to be as simple as ABC, dot-to-dot...
you go on your girls night out in short skirt and mountainous shoes,
you see nice looking boy,
you look at him a few too many times (your drunk probably),
you head to the bar,
you see boy follow,
you talk to nice boy,
you ask him/he asks you to dance... if we like we accept the offer, dance till feet bleed and then get phone number and text next day... if we don't like, we walk away or politely refuse!
So why oh why do I now have to wait at least 15 minutes before I reply to a text so I don't look so available all the time! My phone is actually next to me, I'm just choosing to ignore you so that you think I'm busy, when in reality I'm sat on facebook, stuffing my face with pizza in my trackies, because I'm hanging out my back end!
And what about the dancing... wait for him to make the first move, you don't want to be looking too interested! Well what if I am bloody interested? Men are definately not mindreaders so how will he know unless I make this clear, he's already asked me to dance so it's known he doesnt think I look like a whale in a jumpsuit.
The first dates are always the most interesting though... more politics. I have to dress nice, but not too nice, act aloof, but not too aloof, ask questions, but not too many! What ever happened to being yourself and if they don't like it... fudge 'em! There's plenty more fish in the sea ready for the dating game!
I do have a first date coming up this week actually... so I will be updating. And maybe another first date... if a certain someone stops playing so hard to get ... ha!
I've met two guys... one from a night out, the other a work friend (I didn't just meet him obviously, I just re-met him in a different way, (not like that you dirty so-and-so), on a night out... twice, and once at work!) I do like him, he is a good kisser too, but I don't want a relationship... so how do I play it? We text alot, make eyes across the room at work and flirt like we've been in prison for 40 years... but what will happen? And why do I care so much?
"All I wanna do, is have some fun...
I got a feeling, that I'm not the only one"
Double Mwah and Love, back soon for more ticking of my oh-so teenage mind <3

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