Tuesday 22 June 2010

"True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice."

So, I know how ridiculously cheesey it can be to write a blog post about friendship or about love, but today has shown me that there are some things you just can't force or buy with some dolla'. You can't force people into being your friend, unless of course, your some kind of strange dictator who knows your a loner and forces people to be 'friends' with you so you won't kill them...
Anyway, you can't push people into liking you, and you can't create a friendship or connection just for the sake of it, it has to be genuine.
I sound like such a cheese ball but trust me on this, it's true.

I've worked in my current job, part time thank Jesus our Lord, for about 2 years now, alongside some amazing people! I've never met as many good friends from one place! Sometimes however, it can be hard to tell if these poeple are actually friends or if they are your 'friends'.

Definition of 'friends'... Basically nosy little fuc***s that you work with, who pretend to be interested in your personal day-to-day life, because they are lame, boring and have no real friends outside of the work place. They ask personal questions about your life, pretend they care, try to share their opinion with you and give you advice you never even asked for. They share this 'opinion' about your personal life with other 'friends' and together they form a group of 'friends'... a web of gossip if you will, that intrude and poke questions at you, when all you want to do is make your money and go again... with some free food of course ;) These people are not your genuine friends, when you move away or inevitably change jobs, they will be but a distant memory and will only keep in contact through cyber space, and again will comment on your holiday pictures saying things like, "babe... looking hot, we should meet up soon", and then of course you never do!

But anyway, this leads me to my focal point for the day... how do you tell apart the 'friends' from the friends?

Well recently, and I do mean over the last sort of 8 months, I've become very good friends with a girl I work with, who is around the same age as me. I usually find it really hard to get on with girls and so it came as a surprise to me when we started to get on really well at work, have long conversations and end up getting told off for talking too much - what can I say, female species for ya! We now meet up regulary, have really deep conversation and I know I could trust her with my life! I don't think I could value a friendship any more, and I feel very lucky to be able to trust this person, and be completely myself, without fear of judgement or having an 'opinion' thrust upon me.

I love the spontaneity of a true friendship! Your just lazing around with no real plans, watching music videos, sat nosing at people's pictures on facebook, talking, eating ice cream (chocolate flavour oooh yes!!) and literally enjoying the company of someone that is simply enjoying yours.

And that is how it dawned on me, you really cannot force a friendship. A relationship maybe, I can imagine that's easier to fake, but having a genuine friendship with someone is something that takes longer to create, but when you do find it, it's oh so beautiful!

Happy happy :)

Back soon for more ticking of my oh so teenage mind <3

1 comment:

  1. aaw thats lovely! hope im one of the genuine freinds at work...LOVE to know who the 'friends' are though!
