Saturday 17 July 2010

Hi There Floor, Fancy Swallowing Me Up Please?

So, yes I've neglected the blog. I never thought it would happen, and yes, I feel ashamed of myself! haha!
I've not even been busy really, oh just working full time for the first time in my life and it makes me want to take a large pistol and shoot myself purely so I have an excuse for not turning up! Honestly, who ever knew work was so exhausting!? Students, like me, have it easy! College is taxing on the brain, that I can admit, but there's no routine, there's no set structure apart from your timetable! Work is the same shit, on a different day! Kill me now! The only upside is when you recieve that pay packet on Friday morning... joy! And oh, I get paid every Friday, and yes by Monday I'm living like a pauper once again, not a penny to spare after a weekend full of fun and frolics! yipee!

Work, for me, recently, has become a learning curve... I now understand that when the 'full-timers' warned me against joining the ranks, they were deadly serious and spoke with reason. Oops. Should have listened, but like always it's only me, myself and I who prefers to learn my way... or the highway! hehe
The reason for learning curve... I have discovered that when i'm stressed I tend to 'boob' ... make petty and silly mistakes that screw me over time and time again for the rest of my shift! One of which, was telling a customer that I'd made a boob... then realising that they had no idea what this meant, not all 'humans' understand teen speak! Well didn't I feel awfully special, no wonder they left me zero pounds zero pence as a tip! Another was managing to switch on a blender, without securing the lid, thus resulting in a new way of applying the daily warpaint... red berry so suits you dahhling!!

Oh and my best one yet, sit down this will crack you up, is falling FLAT on my face and seriously hurting myself, then bursting into floods of tears in the middle of the workplace (may have been slightly knocked out but I have little memory). Luckily no customers saw, only staff, the majority of whom I am great friends with, which in fact made this more embarrassing as I have to face them every day! Booo!! So, this is my tale of woe...
I'm stressed to the max, there's people asking me questions left, right and centre, I feel a bit sick and sweaty (I'm stood next to the oven on a kitchen shift), my feet hurt, the floor is a bit slippy... there are 5 people waiting for food from the oven that I am about to produce, in my rush I walk back and forth from oven to table and oh good lord, I've slipped on NOTHING and fallen right over! On my way down I managed to bang my head on not only the floor, but also the work top, burnt my arm on a hot pan... IT HURT, and yes there is a mark... even now!, banged my knees and then burst into tears and forgot to move!
In front of my friends.
At work.
When it was busy.
And it really really hurt.

Right there, right then in that moment I learnt, the turtle will always beat the hare.
And I felt dumb! (And sick some more)

In typical teen style, I wanted to exaggerate my injuries to justify the fact that I cried at work and was sent home... do I have anything to show for this fantastic display of stupidity... nicht! (That means no in German ... I am a genius feel free to applaude) Nothing to show apart from a few purple slotches and a burn... and the fact that I'm a stupid blonde!! Fabulous!!

Want... To... Laugh .... At ... Myself.


Not happening, sorry! I have far too much pride!

Will pretend it never happened and hold my head high when next at work... until of course, I learn that this is how to trip on a banana skin!

Mental note to self:
Sloooowww dooownnnnn. NOW.
Wear non slip shoes to work.
Try not to fall on face without alcohol as excuse.
Show off injuries at any available opportunity... saves the embarrassment and justifys crying and panda eyes recieved from crying!

Next time, I'm making sure there's double sided duck tape on the bottom of my shoes, and that I'm wearing waterproof mascara!

Back soon for more tickings of my oh so teenage mind <3

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