Tuesday 6 July 2010

2 Days Of Revelations

I have literally had so much fun these last 2 days! I've been to Spitalfields Market in East London which absolutely blew my mind, and also on a grand walking tour... conducted by my father oh yes! And then yesterday I ventured out to the beach with my lovely boyfriend (yes we are back together... silent wooo hooo and joy dancing!)

So lets start with my London trip...
As I said before, I ventured out to East London for what I can only describe as a very new shopping experience, a new way to appreciate clothes! It is esentially a bigger Portobello Road, but with less antiques and more sexy clothes than your nan could shake a stick at (would that be wrong?). I loved how each stall had it's own little story, how each item was made for a purpose, as part of an up-coming designers collection... not yet seen by the media eyes. Of course... I HAD to try on absolutely everything I liked the look of, and trust me, in those tiny stalls, whilst wearing a short bodycon dress, this quickly became quite an issue... FLASHER! woops! I didn't however, dissapoint every single person working there, by trying things on for the sake of it then not buying anything (I'm sooo good at doing this and I think most women probably would agree, it's nice to try on things you know are out of reach... money issues hey, yawn!) I did in fact, buy a very nice cream, boho style blouse thing... I LOVE IT! The compliments you recieve for unique clothing are awesome... I will definately be making this an annual (monthly?... weekly?) visit.

My grand walking tour of London was also a new experience for me. I've been to London many a time before, but only to the main tourist areas... this time we went wondering around Covent Garden, China Town (sooo difficult to figure out where we were then, loads of little tiny people shouting in Chinese in our direction, it felt weird to be in the ethnic minority in prodominately white country), Leister Square, Trafalgar Square, Liverpool Street, Canary Wharf, and of course that massive road with Big Ben on it (I can't remember what it was called! oops). It amazed me how for my entire life I have lived a mere 2 hours away from this incredible place, yet for the last 18 years I haven't actually bothered to check it out properly, you know, go on a little adventure and experience the non-tourist areas of the big city. It annoyed me actually because I've never loved a city more, apart from NY which is just unreal... and I couldn't believe that this iconic place has been sitting a mere 2 HOURS from my home, when people travel for hours on end to see what I could potentially see all the time!! Yes, that seriously annoyed me.

Something however, that I was not so enthused about, was the actual stench of some people using public transport. The tube wasn't that bad,apart from the odd whiff of something a bit stinky (usually unwashed man, or someone had clearly farted before departing the train at their station, leaving us all left an aroma of eggy fishcakes. Nice.) It was actually on the train home from Waterloo where I encountered THE WORLD'S SMELLIEST MAN.

No joke. I felt sick, a bit lightheaded, with an urge to throw my shoe at his head and scream "SHAVE, WASH, CLEAN YOUR CLOTHES".

Typical bearded man, with dirty clothes, smelly breath and pits which he breathed all over me as I desperately attempted not to either cry or laugh in a bid to disguise my utter disgust. Oh, and did I mention, he was sat behind me, and the smell wafted forwards? Oh, I forgot to point out, his beard rubbed on my cheek as I leant back in my chair and he leant forward to tie his shoe. Awkward moment, made me wanna hurl. Ugh!

Think I'm a snob, think what you like, he was smelly, and I was grossed out. Sorry to any tramps out there, but please do NOT sit behind me on the train... or I may lash out. (I won't, but this is supposed to be comical)

Oh and shower.

So next up... my trip to the beach. I am a typical teenage girl... I WANT A TAN TO RUIN ALL OTHER TANS. I wanna annoy my friends. I wanna annoy my family. I want to be the most tanned thing ever! So, thinking I know best like I always do (usually I am right so beware), I sat on the beach, or rather sprawled on the beach like something that had been washed to shore, bikini clad and ready for tanning. It was a nice sunny day, with a touch of cloud and a slight gust of wind every so often. This to me, is not prime time for tanning so I cleverly decided against sun block.
Stupid. Idea.
1 word.
I am officially a lobster.
I'm pinky red all over (apart from the obvious areas hidden by the bikini... just). So I've smothering my crispy skin with after sun and wishing I actually listened to my mother.
It's my way or the high way! And I learnt my way... woops!

Back soon for more tickings of my oh so teenage mind <3

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