Tuesday 27 July 2010

Get Set To Jet Set

In most situations, people often say that getting ready is half the fun. When your getting ready for a wedding, or a big night out, or maybe just to go on a date or for dinner with your friends, there's always the 'ohh-I'm-off-out' excitable jitters! Team that with the fact that I'm 18, and oh, just about everything is new and exciting to me! Now imagine how manic and insane I must be, when getting ready for my first solo holiday... to Greece, with 6 of my friends! Exactly... point proven now!

I thought that getting ready, you know, packed for a holiday, was all that needed to be done. Alas, how wrong I was! There's the insurance, sorting out your phone so it works abroad, not helped by crapping call centre people with funny accents, getting money and actually bothering to change it into a different currency, in my case euro's, sorting out which shoes match which clothes, with which bag, and accessories... ugh how annoying, oh and then there's the massive task of actually packing it all into the super teeny case I'm taking because my luggage allowence is only 15kg... heaven help me, looks like I'll need some extra pennies for the obvious added charge of the case, then there's figuring out what time I need to wake up in the morning to get prepared, then there's deciding what to wear to the airport, with which shoes and accessories, which bag is big enough for all the magazines, and errmm, books (shocker I know)... soooooo much to do so little time!
Now breathe!!

That's my thought process at the moment. Oh and I didn't mention the washing I have left to do. And that I'm going out clubbing tonight instead of preparing myself, oops! Really not feeling too bad about that!

Actually, I still haven't bought everything... still in dire need of face wipes, face powder for those hot and sticky nights out in Zanntteee!! ooh and maybe some magazines, and some sweets? Perhaps, a new album for the ipod... although I've already downloaded 3 ?? Perhaps I'll skip that one, still haven't listened to the new Kylie one yet!

So yeah, getting ready for a holiday is acually not half the fun, but it certainly is alot of the effort!

Packing my bags, and heading of to Greece (ZANNTTEEEE... LET'S PARTY! WOOOO)

Back Soon For More Tickings Of My Oh So Teenage Mind <3

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