Wednesday 24 November 2010

Sleep Deprived And On Overdrive

I swear I actually have insomnia... I know I know I am one of millions that do the same thing... can't sleep so blog instead!! Ridiculous... but we do it for an outlet, so leave us be!

But yeah, I honestly am worried, I think I am a potential or actual insomniac. And a bit of a hedgehog, meaning during the day... no problemo in sleeping for hours at a time, however, once night falls, nothing happens. I am awake, bright as a button, after drifting through the day like some zombie idiot. Eyes open, brain on overdrive. Yet during the hours of actual sunlight, there is nothing, no activity and the day breezes past me. Weird huh?

Hmm, now I think about it the weirder it seems.

Do you ever do that? Think of one thing too much, then the concept flies out the window and doesn't seem normal any more, even though it hasn't actually changed. Like when you say one word over and over until it doesn't sound right, but you know it is! Why does the human mind do that? Is it a mean little trick to confuse us?

And why am I thinking of all these questions? I feel hyper active ... too much to think about and do, so little time and my fingers only allow me to type so fast.

When I get into this little weird state it takes me hours until I finally fall asleep, and even then it is restless, dream ridden and uncomfortable, right up until that moment when the alarm clock goes off and then it's the best nights sleep in the world and I don't want it to end! Yeah, when I'm in this state I start thinking really odd things. Recently, I have managed to convince myself that there is a ghost in my room and whenever I feel a sudden gust of air (the covers falling off me in the night usually) I freak out. Over nothing. If I can see the light from my laptop across the room, I convince myself its a supernatural being, even though it isn't. And once again, freak out.

I do other weird things in my sleep... when it happens. Today, I had a full conversation, by text, with my best friend without evening knowing I had done it! I woke up to my phone buzzing, read a message that made no sense, looked back over my messages and realised for the last 20 minutes we'd been chatting and I didn't remember any of it.

I'm slightly worried... I'd love to do one of those sleep tests, when they put wires on you and measure your brain activity to see if my weirdness is in fact normal and less towards the scale of crazy town.

Night all.

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