Monday 25 October 2010

Sweet Dreams

I actually have a weird kind of love for those days where you feel utterly invincible.
Like you could just take a giant leap of faith (or off the side of a massive rock pertruding into the sea?) like you could hold your breath underwater for a minute, like taking a hot bowl of chicken super-noodles from the microwave isn't painful and impossible.

Usually when I am on the receiving end of one of those days, I grab it and run with it, you see, it's a rare occurrence and I like to rinse it!

Today was one of those days, as I'm sure you've guessed by now. I've washed my clothes (for once), cleaned my room, did some uni work, put up more posters even though the blu-tack stains the walls and I know it's against the 'rules'. And now I've climbed into bed feeling satisfied that I've achieved some organisation back into my life - I know it won't last before you laugh at my stupidity at thinking I will ever be mentioned in the same sentence as the word organised - and guess what... I can't sleep.... like usual! And hopefully the annoying tapping of the keyboard is keeping my housemates up so I'm not alone.... hehehe!!

So why is it, when you feel you've achieved something, when you feel like its all been packed in and you could have done more, you can't seem to relax and catch some zzz's... but when you've sat around all day like some giant fat whale eating nothing but penguin's and laughing at the shitty jokes on the wrapper, watched some dire old movies, spent valuable time doing sweet f all... you can sleep like an absolute baby!? WHY? It's so unfair. I feel cheated.

I know I know, when your a lolling stinking trackie wearing whale for the day your brain doesn't even turn on so it's easy to slide back into the sweet abyss of sleep.... but why? I just find it so irritating!!

And why is it that when you eventually do fall asleep after jam packed day you always have the weirdest  dreams that seem to leave you either drenched in a cold sweat or waking up at inappropriate hours and unable to fall back into night-time paralysis? My most recent, very urr, interesting dream was that I could change into a cat at will and climb through my downstairs toilet window. A ginger cat. I could see myself. As funny as this seems I woke up feeling concerned... what does this say about me? What's this strange purring noise coming form my throat? Why is there hair on my head? Am I a cat?
And then you loose all sense of reality, absolutely crap yourself that you've magically turned into a cat in the space of 6 hours, and can't sleep for the next 3.


Night all.

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