Wednesday 29 September 2010

Fresh Fish to Fry

It's official.
I am. In fact. A. FRESSSHHHEERRR!!

This past week plus a bit has been the most manic and bonkers week of my life, with more highs than anyone on illegal substances! I have had two nights in since last Sunday... one of those being right now, where I am chilling and supposed to be catching up on sleep, ready to party hard tomorrow night. I've drunk way too much, partied till my feet have bled and forced me to go home, seen my favourite music live (hed kandi), been to the beach several times, met amazing new people annndddd..... SURVIVED! (so far at least)

Now, I knew that Uni would be a challenging, interesting and above all fun experience, but I don't think anything can ever prepare you for the degree of which all those things present themselves.

The adrenaline that pumps through you when you realise the key in your hand is the one for your OWN (kind of) house, that it is your key to your house! Bizzare feeling.
That you realise your not at home, this is now home. That you get to know, and first meet your housemates, the fellow freshers... your new friends... and to start with your only friends.

It's a strange moment when you realise that the washing up surrounding and consuming the sink in the kitchen wasn't the spew of some evil kitchen nightmarish monster but it is in fact the mess and destruction caused by your own vain attempt at cooking a decent enough meal. It's also annoying when you realise it's you that has to clear it all up afterwards, and again the next day, and again, and oh did I mention, again the next day!?

I love how in my first week here, reality hit hard. I wash my clothes a lot at home... now, not so much. I have to wear a top more than once before its accepted to the pile of filthy laundry that desperately needs to be a, picked up off my floor, and b, actually washed, dried and put away. I have one simple solution.... NAKEDNESS forever, and therefore never creating clothes to be washed (I don't think this plan would work though)

I'm finding it strange to cook things for the first time without someone else to lean on and ask strange questions to. Example from last week, my housemate decided that in order to make chilli con carne, baked beans were a key ingredient! The chilli then was too big for just one person so the rest was stored in a plastic container in the fridge... for 5 days. The chilli then decided it had made some serious enemies in that fridge, that there wasn't enough space for all the food we'd bought and it wanted out, or everything else out for some more homely space. It decided to start decomposing, in our fridge. Nice. the smell of putrid chilli started wafting throughout the kitchen, until it became the first thing you noticed when opening the fridge door! Luckily, we discovered the chilli trauma before it was too late and my housemate decided the strange bean-rotting-meat combo would make a tasty snack.... we chucked it. Thank god. However, another trauma and realisation resulted from this... bins need to be actually emptied. Where is our outside bin, what is the bin day? Where shall we put it if it overflows? We need to buy bin bags. What if someone (some very odd someone) tries to steal our bin from us!?

This week in my often blind panics and strange new moments I have discovered that freshers week is when you figure out EVERYTHING.... not just that your tolerance level to wine and vodka combined isn't as high as you think and that those pictures you took last night hold no place in your memory and really don't look that good... but that stupid and embarrassing experiences, lead to realisations of how things in this world actually work. To get to the rainbow you have to stand the rain (quote stolen from a friend's facebook status but I feel it holds true for this)... the rain being all the stupid, disgusting and weird mistakes made along the way, the rainbow being when it finally dawns on you not to mix whites and colours in the washing machine.

I wonder what the rest of this week has in store...

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