Sunday 19 December 2010

Blog Clog?

I have to be honest, I can't find it within myself to become completely thrilled by blogging. I know I do it and so that makes me slightly (ok very) lame for contradicting myself, but I honestly cannot see how it becomes the window to something bigger, something more.

The way I see it, it is an outlet for individual needs, to express explain or rant about something that matters to them, but it doesn't actually open any doors.

I know for others, the lucky ones, it has opened that door, but in amongst all the bloggers just trying to make it onto the 'scene' of something that used to be considered for those who are 'cool' and all knowing on the rarity of expressing yourself onto a computer screen, it now clogs up the blogsphere. It is truly hard to find something special in amongst all the wanabee writers and social bloggers, where is the diamond in the rough, and how long do I have to search to discover it?

I want to read a blog that matters, that makes a difference to me.... something that makes me think, challenge my views, consider another, and want to read more. So far, I have found two. One of an old friend who blogs so eliquently his words stick in my head for weeks, in exact prose, swirling and taunting me on how I didn't think of that first. I like that though, it's challening, engaging, annoying? haha! Another is a commercial blog, not so much a diamond in the rough. It's called amusing planet and looks at odd things that happen around the world each day... it provides excellent pictures and entertainment.

But it isn't it sad that for the half a year or so that I have found myself a member of the blogging sphere, I have only found these two that tickle my fancy? I hate that someone may stumble across my blog, and hate it, but love that they may enjoy it. I love blogging, but it confuses me. I want to say what I have to say, but should I present myself how others may want to see me?
Do i NEED to bE purfekt?
I wanna spell things wrong, not out of laziness, but because I can't actually spell them, without coming across as stupid... I just wanna say what I'm thinking. But the annoying thing is I want it to matter to someone else, as much as it matters to me, and I'm not sure that in amongst all the others with something to say, I'm just another person, with something to say. Where's the unique-ness in that? But at the same time, who wants to be the cocky one, who is the unique one?

So, whilst I'm still struggling with the concept of blogging, I find myself persevering in the hope that one day I shall have an epiphany and realise why I continue to do this.

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