Thursday 12 August 2010

Rules for Girls Holidays

So, I've been to Greece! I've swallowed up that sunshine, drunk those cocktails, achieved THAT tan, spent a week with my friends, and most importantly... I survived!
I've been home a week and have only just recovered to the point where I can actually focus my brain for more than ten minutes on any one thing without either dribbling or falling asleep! Success!! So, as this holiday was so unbelievably entertaining and fantastic, I'm going to device some rules for girlie holidays, on the spot, as I look back over my week away! Here goes...

Rule Number 1 - Pack more clothes than you think you'll need, it would be nice to have more choice

Rule Number 2 - Make sure the clothes that you pack are in fact super super HOT and make legs look v sexy and are colours to match tanned-ness, and won't make you sweat like a running tap for those hot nights out

Rule Number 3 - Find out the correct weight limit for your luggage... as I sorely found out, our weight allowance was 20kg, which I thought was 15 when I packed. Nobody told me, nobody informed, so what did I do? Of course my case was overweight, so instead of doing the sensible thing and repacking, I simply emptied some of the heavier contents of my suitcase (towels, shoes, bikinis) into my hand luggage, making it impossibly heavy in the process. Feeling awfully smug with myself I arrived to check in to find my case weighed in at 14.9kg, an achievement in my eyes! However, this soon became a problem... the wicker handles of my hand luggage were digging into my shoulders so badly from the added weight that I looked as though I had some kind of strange skin irritation, or even disorder, where my skin bobbled and was red and blotchy, only on that one shoulder. Such a good look when sat in airport for lunch. Bag on floor. Nice.

Rule Number 4 - Choose bag without wicker handles.

Rule Number 5 - Remind yourself before you go away that rep's lie. And are nobs. Saves yourself the anger later on of listening to 'I can get you free drinks, free entry to all of Zante's best clubs, just pay me 1000 euros and you'll meet the Queen' for the whooollleee half hour coach trip to hotel. Oh, and on that note, prepare yourself for shitty hotels too... it's only a base remember, 3 hours a night, just for sleeping. 3 hours a night. That's all.

Rule Number 6 - Pack antibacterial wipes. And lots of shampoo. For a, wiping down bathroom before use and b, handwash is not provided in Greece apparently.

Rule Number 7 - Don't bother with breakfast, it makes the hangover worse in the heat. Try poolside ice lollies instead, preferably strawberry flavoured.

Rule Number 8 - Club your socks off. Party as long as possible. Get home when daylight appears. First night out: home at 7.30am, second, same story and so on and so on...

Rule Number 9 - If your not so hardcore and cannot survive on less than 4 hours sleep a night/afternoon by the pool, then pack yourself some pro-plus energy boosting pills, works wonders when teamed with a few sex on the beaches ;)

Rule Number 10 - Find out where the best beach is... just don't go between 11 and 3, we recieved blistered feet from the hot sand

Rule Number 11 - Don't bother packing clothes for during the day, its too hot, a simple dress and pair of shorts will do! Naked = goooooodd in the heat

Rule Number 12 - Make friends with the hotel owners, if there is an emergency you need them on your side. My best friend suffered a fit and panic attack when we were there, and their help was precious... can you speak Greek?? Didn't think so, they can though! Whilst on that thought, remind yourself how lovely British hospitals are, the one's abroad... not so nice. If you hate the sight of blood just shut those eyes. Or actually, just don't get into a mis-chief... if you can help it ;)

Rule Number 13 - Drink!! Cocktails, lots of them, with your girlfriends! How much more fun could you wish for!? It's a rarity that you can all drink together at home and feel so carefree... there's usually a designated driver... so enjoy while you can! Cosmopolitans, Raspberry Miss Charlotte's, Flirtini, Long Island Ice Tea, Slow Screws, we love them all!

Rule Number 14 - Don't be afraid to try something new, whether its local food, or something else (skinny dipping ;) ) ha! It could be much better than you think!

Rule Number 15 - Do dress up like idiots one night... why not!? You don't know anyone, so shed those inabhitions and go for it. Our outfit of choice: Pirates! Feel free to shout bad jokes about it too.

Rule Number 16 - Capture those memories and remember to charge the digi cam. Practise your posing for ultimate facebook profile pics!

Have the time of your life, your only young once, enjoy it!!
Couldn't have asked for a better experience, they say that girls holidays test your friendships, well, mine's only proven to me that my friends are the best! Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing.

Looking forward to next year's adventures...

Back soon for more tickings of my oh so teenage mind <3

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